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The First Time Harry Get to Hogwarts

For this Competition, I made a LEGO MOC about the first time Harry get to Hogwarts! Arriving to Hogwarts, in the little boat, there are Hagrid, Draco Malfoy and Harry, ready to start learning Magic! Also, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall (with the Sorting Hat) are waiting the students. Inside the Castle, in the Gryffindor Tower, Hedwig and Scabbers are in the Common Room with Headless Nick! Rony and Hermione are already learning "Wingardium Leviosa" with Professor Flitwick (of course, Hermion's feather can fly, but Ron's can't). Finally, Professor Quirrell is searchind the Philosopher's Stone in the Treasures Room (with some brooms and the Mirror os Erised)! 
Sorry if the photos aren't too clear or if there is any grammatical mistake, because I'm Brazilian and I'm still learning English!
Hope you all enjoy my MOC!!! ;)

I did a whole interior, but the file wasn't updating!!! :(
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