The Dementor's Grasp

"Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the shivering flames in Lupin’s hand, was a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. Harry’s eyes darted downward, and what he saw made his stomach contract. There was a hand protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, greyish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water…"   - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

As Harry Potter travelled back to school for his third year, the perceived safety of the Hogwarts Express was shattered as a horde of ghostly dementors descend upon the train. The hopeless despair that emanates from these ghouls surrounds them like the icy grip of the creatures' rotten hands.

My build tries to capture the atmosphere and feeling of dread that Harry and friends felt, trapped in the darkness at the mercy of the dementors.
#harry potter
#prisoner of azkaban
#hogwarts express
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