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First Night at the Four Common Rooms

After arriving back at Hogwarts, the students head back to their common rooms to rest before their first lessons. In Gryffindor tower, Neville Longbottom is suspended on the chandelier after accidentaly tasting one of Fred and George's experiments that was deliberately left on the table. In the dungeons the Slytherins get ready for Quidditch, bragging about their new brooms, trying on their Quidditch robes and praticing with the Quaffle. In the Ravenclaw common room Cho Chang finishes reading the Quibbler article she started on the Hogwarts express while Luna Lovegood tries to use Accio on the shoes she finally found after looking for them all summer. Meanwhile, in the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric Diggory stares longingly at the stars, already feeling homesick.

I tried to incorporate all four common rooms in one build, trying to stay true to each of their styles and colors while adding appropriate props.
#harry potter
#common room
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