Lego Set Number 6934

What is this set?
Lego set number 6934 better known as "Good Guy" is a Bionicle promotional polybag that came with a Swedish magazine. Good Guy came out in 2006 and originally had 16 pieces

Why this set?
This set is often viewed as a the butt of many jokes in the Bionicle community and as such it has also gained an ironic fanbase because of it. I picked this set because I wanted to make a Bionicle set for the contest but didn't know who to pick until I remembered Good Guys existence and thought it was perfect.

About the model.
I tried to be very true to the original set but tried to make it out of system bricks. it doesn't have any play features besides articulation and is based off the packaging art of the original set because on the packaging and in the original set Good Guys weapon changes.
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