70810 - Metalbeard's Sea Cow

The LEGO Movie was one of the most creative movies I've ever seen. The use of new technologies brought LEGO bricks to life with an extremely creative story. I can only imagine the work that went into it. One of the amazing models they made for the movie was Metabeard's ship, the Sea Cow is a truly unique ship with its tall masts and HUGE captain's cabin (since Metalbeard isn't the smallest figure). It is built to Trophy scale and has all our favorite characters; Emmet, Lucy (Wyldstyle), Benny, Unikitty, Vitruvius, and Metalbeard. If you look on the bow (front of the ship) you'll see our flying Sea Cow! Had a ton of fun designing this one and hope you enjoy it too!
#lego movie
#the lego movie
#90th anniversary
#sea cow
#pirate ship
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