Micro Sphinx Secret Surprise

Within the Sphinx lies fortune and glory! I sought to include as many of the original characters and play features of as possible. Johnny Thunder, Gail Storm, and Dr. Charles Lightning are all there to recover the magical Re-Gou ruby before it falls into the hands of Baron Von Barron and Sam Sinister. Flicking the tail of the sphinx allows Pharaoh Hotep to leap out and protect his tomb by launching the front wall at Johnny and his friends. The obelisk is also likely to fall on unwitting explorers, revealing a hidden treasure map.

While I was not able to get the original Sphinx Secret Surprise when it was available, I collected some smaller sets and used my own collection to build tombs for my adventurers to explore, all with plenty of traps and treasure. The play features of the sets inspired me to recreate the features in my own models. They were some of the first mechanisms I designed and tested using Lego, which I still do today to quickly try out designs as an engineer.
#johnny thunder
#baron von baron
#gail storm
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