Sessions of the Galactic Senate

"The Jedi have their battles in this war, so have we. Our battlefield is not in space or some distant planet. It is in the Senate Chamber."
-Bail Organa

This was to be a special celebration. In honor of Chancellor Palpatine's birthday, a special banquet was to be held in the Galactic Senate.  And all was going well, that is until the senator from Ryloth accidentally spilled his tray over the side of his hoverpod, directly onto the delegation from Ithor.  Within a matter of minutes, the entire Senate Chamber had erupted into the largest food fight since the infamous Cafeteria Siege on Nal Hutta.  Mysteriously, some delegations seemed very much prepared for this outcome.  The Mon Calamari even had a hidden tomato cannon installed just days prior.

But Mas Amedda was prepared as well.  Determined to not allow anybody to ruin the Chancellor's birthday, he had outfitted a number of drones with pizza launchers.  But will the drones be successful in enforcing order?
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