Colossal Space Battle to End Them All

For me Star Wars just isn’t Star Wars without, well, a war in the stars. The spaceships are so fantastically designed - they are icons and characters in themselves. So for my favourite battle scene I’ve imagined my own epic space fight which combines all of my favourite ships from the original trilogy into one gigantic, action-packed skirmish.

None of these are sets, I’ve made them all from scratch, including two scales of X-Wing, and four variants of Tie-Fighters.

Plus, for fun, I’ve made three new ships of my own: ‘Rebellion Assault Corvette,’ ‘Mon Calamari Q-ship’ and the Emperor's 'Stealth Raptor’ - which you can see in more detail in the final image.

The most fun and satisfying one to build was the Death Star- it’s not flat by the way, it just looks that way because it is a long way away :)

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