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The Empire Strikes Back - Battle Of Hoth

This is my depiction of the Battle Of Hoth, one of my favourite scenes from the star wars saga.

This is my fist model made using a lego CAD software so I wasn't to familiar with the rendering process and how to get the most realistic render out of the modal, my computer wasn't capable of handling the large amount of rendering required for this build. Due to this I was forced to reduce certain aspects of the build and certain detailing.

This modal is a micro-ish scale. I tried to pay attention to scale and detail whilst building this modal. It contains micro scaled snow speeders, AT-ATs and brick built troopers. This modal was a really fun build and one of my favourite aspects of lego building is terrain building. This aspect of the build was which I put most of my effort into, making up most of the part count. As this was a snow terrain I also felt like including brick built penguins, to add to that snowy vibe. 

I hope you like the build as much as I liked building it, Thank you

#star wars
#empire strikes back
#at at
#snow speeder
#hoth battle
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