The Battle Against my Childhood
Some time after 1984, sitting on his throne of gold bars and $100 bills, Star Wars creator George Lucas initiated the greatest battle in the history of Star Wars...the battle against 1970's children everywhere. We, lovers of the original trilogy, felt a deep disturbance in the Force, as Lucas invented, then infused a small fatherless child with midi-chlorians, trying to make the most feared villain of all time....cute? Then emboldened by his mad schemes, and tired of adding CG edits to the original films, he also dreamed up his most insidious creature yet....the Gungan bufoon Jar-Jar Binks. Together "Ani" and Jar Jar would leap from Georges imagination to assault our childhood in ways we were not fully prepared for, and from which we have never recovered...truly the work of a Sith Master and the most epic of all Star Wars Battles.
All tongue in cheek! I love you George, Binks and all.
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