Young Anakin VS Sebulba

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. . .

This Lego Podrace battle between the young Anakin and the sinister Subulba was created by a talented Jedi who was born on May the 4th. As a Jedi, he worked hard using skills such as patience, focus, and inner strength to complete and stun the galaxy with his creation. The creation features a highly detailed Podrace stadium and two Podracers which are extremely accurate to a great movie called The Phantom Menace. This build was meant to be microscale in hopes to capture the full detail from the excellent movie. The builder got the inspiration to build his creation from his family and also possibly Master Yoda himself. He has spent countless hours in the hopes of creating something spectacular that Lego Star Wars fans everywhere can enjoy (and also to win a Gold C3PO.) This Jedi hopes that this set will impress the Jedi Council and wishes a May the 4th to all of the Jedis, Sith, and Droids who have entered in this contest.

#star wars
#may the 4th be with you
#may the force be with you
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
The Greatest Battles Built by You!

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