Ewok Podracer

After the Battle of Endor, the Ewoks began to adopt new customs and forms of entertainment. It’s a battle to the finish line in this Ewok Podracer, made of scavenged parts from an AT-ST, an Imperial Shuttle engine and a couple speeder bikes strapped together. With the limited natural resources available to them, the Ewoks needed to improvise by fortifying the engines with wood. Due to the heavy forestation, Stormtrooper helmets were used to mark the track for the racers.

This was built on top of two 32x32 baseplates. I didn’t count the number of parts used, but I can tell you it is greater than two and probably less than 100k. When I began to think about this MOC, I have memories of seeing the prequel movies in theaters with my dad and the original trilogy growing up and wanted to create something unique both in appearance and story from each of these eras of Star Wars. Since getting back into Lego, this has been the largest MOC to date for myself and it was a ton of fun!

#battle of endor
#speeder bike
#imperial shuttle
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