Fall of the Federation

On distant and unknown worlds across the galaxy, resistance is placed before the Separatists' every move. I wanted to show a battle where a mere squadron of Republic troops use their skill and courage to take down an entire Multi Troop Transport.

From the beginning, I wanted to include an MTT. It took 2 weeks to design it alone. After many ideas, I settled on this scene. Purple bananas and Yetis, yes! I carefully designed the escorting Single Trooper Aerial Platforms (STAP) for maximum accuracy, because each of Lego's versions is much too large. (Please tell the designers that the boomerang element makes an excellent stand!) The small rust-bucket AT-RT uses complex connections at the front for a pleasing broken-down effect. The lookout tower (disguised as a tree) has the play feature of falling over on the MTT to crush it. There are numerous other details I can't write here due to space, look for 'em!

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