The Jedi last stand on Geonosis

My physical model of the Petranaki arena battle from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones has a unique color palette that spans the entire 20 years of LEGO Star Wars! The arena is made using “dark orange” and “medium nougat” colors, the floor uses “nougat”, and the battle droids are the “sand red” variant from 2003.

Interesting design features: the entire arena is built sideways on a Technic framework to optimize dark orange part usage.  Many components like the arena seating are not connected and are held in place by gravity. Dooku’s tower is the most advanced component: it’s made of inter-connected clips forming a half ring on its side. The arena gate is made from hot air balloon pieces.  The smaller entrances use arches and slopes with varying sizes and colors to achieve forced perspective depth.

Thanks to LEGO for inspiring/motivating me to create this build. It was a lot of fun designing and building it in two weeks. I hope to update it further even after the contest is over.
#star wars
#attack of the clones
#battle droids
#petranaki arena
#episode 2
#star wars episode 2
#episode ii
#star wars episode ii
Image attached to challenge
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The Greatest Battles Built by You!

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