Duel on Mustafar

Duel on Mustafar

The duel on Mustafar was a confrontation where the recently apprenticed Sith Lord Darth Vader (formerly Anakin Skywalker) fought his former best friend and Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the Outer Rim of the volcanic planet Mustafar. 

During the Clone Wars, Anikan Skywalker was being drawn ever closer to the dark side. The duel began after Darth Sidious, as newly appointed Galatic Emperor, tasked Darth Vader with the assassination of Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar. After being followed to Mustafar by his wife, Padmé Amidala, Anakin falsely believes that Padmé had encouraged Obi-Wan to fight Anakin.

This is my all time favourite battle of the saga because of the dramatic irony (and the large amount of lava!). To this model, I have added some of my personal touches including C-3PO fishing, someone falling into the lava and a director perplexed by all the choas. I hope you like my build.

Thank you. 

#star wars
#revenge of the sith
#obi-wan kenobi
#duel on mustafar
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