Boss Level 100

After many fun-filled hours of playing the new LEGO Legacy game, player Rubrickscube has finally beaten the game! Well, he has almost beaten it... He still has to defeat the final Boss Level. In this level Rubrickscube (playing as his signature, black-hooded, Spyrius droid character), has to take down the Boss and gain control of his giant mech. Doing so will complete the game! Classic Fig, the boss, can blast energy at Rubrickscube, as well as fly and build. But the true challenge may be the arena! Filled with small floating islands, Rubrickscube will have to jump back and forth across these precarious perches while dodging Classic Fig's attacks. Can he do it? Well, that is up to you, the player!

Now I know that LEGO Legacy isn't exactly like this, nor does it have a Boss Level 100 (nor is the boss level like this), but after trying Legacy I found it was so awesome I actually imagined levels in my head. Then I decided to create one for this contest!

Pieces: 1,836

Rendered in Blender.
#lego legacy
#awesome game
#video game
#boss level 100
#level 100
#contest entry
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
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