Old LEGO Space VS New LEGO Space

This is a battle between the new and old LEGO space themes. Each side has 8 minifigures.

New Space

The new space side includes:

  • A rocket launch - Top floor is mission control and the bottom is a lab. The side of the tower is a rocket launch.

  • A train - A blue, white and orange train.

  • A greenhouse - Covered in plants on the inside and out.

  • A mini Saturn V - Representing the LEGO Saturn V set.

Power Functions

Both sides have a power function feature. The new side has a yellow light brick in the rocket to show it taking off. To turn on, push down on the storage compartment on the spaceship.

Old Space

The old space side includes:

  • 3 spaceships - All in the classic colors; blue, yellow and grey.

  • One small and one big rover - One small vehicle and one bigger vehicle with a trailer. 

  • A landing pad - A white and yellow circle in the base.

Power Functions

The old side has old power functions. It uses the light and sound box. To use, spin the white cylinder. The rover will make sound.

#power functions
#light and sound
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