Finally at the end of the
Previous and long war Terran Forces menaged to capture the Commander of the
enemy Armada, but unluckily they discovered that all the enemies best
ideas, war plans and best strategy mothods were not from their now prisoned
headmaster, but from another bad and very smart guy : called the Red Guy . In
order to face this new obscure menace Terran Council established to
do a new experiment: to merge Futuron Special forces and armored Special
Infantry Blacktron Units; BUT for now...ONLY 2 guys have been trained for
this obscure and dangerous mission, in order in the near future to found a new
Special Unit, called Scorpion. They have worked together in the periferical
colonies to hone their skills for months...And now they will be sent on
the ground for this new mission... A new Lego Space adventure is started...
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