Scene: Galadriel's Sea Rescue

"The sea is always right."

When all seems lost, one of the great ships of Numinor appears out of the mist and rescues Galadriel and her questionable companion from the ferocity of the sea and the beast below.

The raft Galadriel clings to incorporates the mast and sail from the 6271 Imperial Flag Ship kit, now looking a bit tattered from years of play but perfect for this scene.

The shaping of Captain Elendil's ship was the most difficult part of this build. Getting the hull right felt impossible, until, in a blink of an eye, it looked right! The middle section of the ship's floor paneling lifts out to reveal the cargo below. Each sail hangs from its mast and can rotate with the wind shifts. The "ocean waves" the ship sits upon is a separate piece, so the ship can be displayed with or without it.

Hope you enjoy this "Lord of the Rings Scene" and good luck to all.
-Brick Enchanted

#lord of the rings
#pirate ship
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