Location: Lake-Town

With cold waters below, dark skies above, and the Lonely Mountain looming in the distance, Lake-Town was the last standing settlement before Erebor (before Smaug came, of course). After watching both the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, this village stood out to me more than any other location. Its endless amount of details and interesting textures translated well into Lego form, something that took a lot of time and thought to pull off. In this model, I included three buildings, one bridge, and two towers, one of which is burning down and crashing to the ground after the dragon attack. In addition, there are a handful of minifigures to spot as well: Bilbo Baggins, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, the master of Lake-Town, a guard, and an orc.

In the end, this turned out to be one of the largest, most fun, and most challenging models I've ever designed. If you like it or have suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!
#lord of the rings
#middle earth
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