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Location: The Elvenway From Hollin - The West-Door of Moria, the Sirannon and the Stair Falls.

In this MOC, I tried to display the final stretch of The Elven-way from Hollin, which the
Fellowship followed before entering Moria. I tried to reflect both J.R.R.Tolkien's original description and Peter Jackson's vision. Thus, we can see the original course of the River Sirannon – and the dam formed to create the black lake –, the Stair Falls as shown in the film, the hidden West-door of Moria (Durin's Door) illuminated by starlight and moonlight revealing the ithilium inscription drawn by Celebrimbor. Finally, I imagined what the Watcher in the water and its lair would look like.

I also wanted to show different moments that take place in that stretch of the journey, the wargs chasing the Fellowship, Gandalf revealing Durin's Door, and the moment when they are attacked by the Watcher.

The MOC dimensions are 64 x 128 studs, and it is 75 cm high at the top with just over 20,000 pieces.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

#watcher in the water
#stair falls
#durins door
#lord of the rings
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