Honey, I'm Taking the Jag for a Spin!


When TLG announced this contest I was quite crossed with it. In my mind the future always has always been an inclusive one. Race shouldn’t be an issue and the term Afrofuturism let me to believe there is a culture which favours race yet again.

However, I have learned a few things. Since the colonial era, Africans have been deprived of creating their own future. The 'what if' of Afrofuturism shows how Africa could have prospered had it never been colonized. It shows black people and allows them to dream big again. It gives role models to look up to and offers an escape from the brutal realities of today's world.

Afrofuturism has nothing to do with race, but everything with recognition and acceptance.

I'd like to celebrate Afrofuturism with the "Jag": Transportation based on a large jungle cat for its strength, speed, agility and elegance. Admittedly, it's a cat from a jungle on the wrong side of the Atlantic, but please forgive me for this poetic freedom.
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Afrofuturistic Building with Ekow Nimako!

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