Taming of African's Deserts

The Sahara is the biggest desert of the World, 9 M m2.The climate is extreme hot or cold, destroying draught, sandstorms dominates the life here. In my composition I wanted to demonstrate that with help of modern technology we could make life possible here, get use of this area for building cities, giving work and proper living conditions for thousands of people.

My buildings are super resistant, with sun collector on the top and super thermal insulation, so that even plants can resist on the direct closeness of the walls.I built a machine against sandstorms, this protect the whole city with help of turbulence caused by its extremy fast spinning.The huge tower with water in its upper balloon can collect and store rainwater.If the rainwater is not enough the other tower can produce water: thanks so the big temperature fluctuation, some plants can help to produce dew, which also pumped towards the water tank.

#energy efficient
#modern architecture
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Afrofuturistic Building with Ekow Nimako!

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