Ideal City 2050

Ideal City 2050 is a great urban landscape with Afrofuturism is a new and unique style of Black culture to the field of architecture in the future. It provided me with a really different perspective view about the aesthetic of art, sustainable architecture, and human beings in black culture. I'd bring the aesthetic of Black art in architecture and provide a way of looking at overall the shift of the projected future for telling the stories of Black. Through the inspiration of Epa - Adinkra Symbols of Africa, a great symbol of law and justice, I'd design the urban landscape model by two square shapes connected together where placed skyscrapers, towers, and houses as well as having flying vehicles, and stop stations. The model is based on three main colors (60 percent of the primary color is black; 30 percent of the secondary color is transparent white; 10 percent of the accent color is transparent brown) to show different hierarchies and emphasis functions and streamlined form. 
#science fiction
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Winners announced
Afrofuturistic Building with Ekow Nimako!

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