Looking Back to Look Forward

The Sankofa bird, perhaps the most recognizable Adinkra Symbol, is the quintessential symbol of Afrofuturism. It reminds us of the importance of the past informing the future and the unlimited possibilities the future can hold. 

The colors used in this build represent the diversity within the Black community, which is often seen through a limited, monolithic view. The brightness in the colors also represents our incredible histories and hope for the future. 

As a Ghanaian American educator, I use the Sankofa bird to remind my three sons and my students whose histories are rooted in the African continent of possibilities that the future holds regardless of the marginalization and discrimination they face. This model presented, although small but in nuanced ways caries the components of Afrofuturism. It signifies freedom, storytelling, strength, creativity, wisdom, justice, perspective, and, most importantly, our ancestors.

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Afrofuturistic Building with Ekow Nimako!

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