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Watching (American) Football

  This build is a tribute to all of those Friday and Saturday nights watching football with my dad. If you read the "go cougars go" sign on the stadium and the teams' blue and white colors you might be able to guess what college football team is on the right side.

This build has two parts, the TV itself, and the field/stadium. Combined, these two aspects form the illusion of watching football through a Lego TV.  The retro TV was very difficult to build as I combined horizontal and vertical building to give it the proper look. The stadium and field was easy to build in terms of design and technique but was tedious in making many different unique spectators and players. On the sideline of the field there is a referee, camera man, and two players taking a break.

Overall the build has a little over 1000 pieces and 34 minifigures. Thanks for checking it out!
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