Who Is the True Seventh Toa?

I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to build for this contest so what I ended up making was a battle between two characters, Takanuva and Voriki.

Who Voriki is.
In 2001 there were rumors that there was going was going to be a seventh Toa that joined the Toa mata. his name was Voriki and he was a Toa of energy. the image was a photoshopped image of Tahu with a photoshopped Kanohi Pakari as his mask. his mask was called the Kanohi Gaaha and it had an unknown, "special" power. In 2003 there was a movie releasing called Bionicle: The Mask Of Light. and it was going to show the seventh Toa join the team But the Seventh Toa wasn't Voriki, but instead Takanuva Toa of light.

About the model
I wanted to make a battle between the two seventh Toas because I thought that if they ever met they wouldn't like each other because they are both trying to take the role of the legendary seventh Toa. I also wanted to make the models styled after the original Toa for that 2001-3 aesthetic.
Image attached to challenge
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