Toa Mata Hall of the Glory

As we all know, in early 2000s the lego group was saved from bankruptcy. One of the reasons os success was releasing one of the most iconic lego themes - the Bionicle. To celebrate those magificent toys, supported with extremely interesting backstory and lore I've decided to create something, very special - the Bionicle Hall of the glory.
My model consist of 3 main parts:
  • the base with Bionicle logo in the middle;
  • 6 statues of Toa Mata
  • the visitors
For each of the Toa I've designed a simple pedestal based on The Mata-Nui Online Game Island of Mata-Nui imagination and some game related easter eggs (for instance red flags for Kopaka or small Nui-Jaga for Pohatu).
Of course this kind of display means nothing without someone to admire it, so I've decided to add some classic lego minifigures as visitors. I'm sure they would be grateful for saving LEGO company.

The model was created with software. It consist of 3673 pieces. Hope you like it and remember: unity, duty and destiny.
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
90th Anniversary: Bionicle Theme Celebrations

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