The Dukko Bird

On the mysterious island of Mata Nui, lives a very rare and puzzling Rahi. The bird-like creature has only been seen by very few inhabitants of the island, and even the Turaga can't answer the many questions about it.
How does this creature drive around on gears? Can it fly? Is it related to the Gukko Bird? And why does it quack about the anniversary of a certain "LEGO"?
All the Turaga managed to find out is that it feels right at home close to wood, and loves being pulled around the island.

As a massive BIONICLE fan, I had to enter this contest, of course! I thought it would be fitting to build something that celebrates the 90th Anniversary of LEGO, but in the BIONICLE style. And what's more iconic than the good old wooden LEGO duck?
Showing that while LEGO is most famous for the brick, it can be so many other things as well, like wooden ducks or buildable biomechanical heroes!
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
90th Anniversary: Bionicle Theme Celebrations

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