Minifigure: Carnivorous Cave Plant

The carnivorous cave plant has its roots in the darkest mountain cave, that is covered with bushes and slime oozes from the cave roof.  The roots of the plant are deep in the cave, while the rest of the plant works its way outside through cracks in the rock.  The huge red and black flower then hides behind the largest boulders waiting for unsuspecting prey.  On the roots is a line of six glowing red dots that, to hunters look like the eyes of the Blathandar – a fearsome-looking cave beast, but it’s actually gentle.  Above the glowing dots is a wide hole which will suck in anything that will harm the plant, if it gets too close.  Anything sucked in will go up the stem of the plant, the flower will come out of hiding and spit out whatever has been thrown or shot into the cave.  Below the roots is another hole, out of which the skeletal remains of anything the plant has devoured.  Beyond the bones are the scattered bows, arrows and spears of previous meals.  
#carnivorous plant
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