Nature: Flower Racers

Hello Again LEGO Ideas Community,

My second post for this competition is Flower Racers.

In the year 3040, the people of earth have used up almost all of their metallic resources, which has forced them to build everything out of plant based materials, even their racing jets.

Each jet is comprised of different genetically modified plants: the yellow one is made of daisies, banana trees, and lemons; the white one is made of lilies and arctic plants; both green jets are made from different jungle and forest plants; and the black one is made of volcanic material and coal.

The model's dimensions are exactly 32x16, it's about 7 bricks high, and was built from 200-300 LEGO elements.

Each jet has an almost identical chassis, which was surprisingly variable, allowing me to make each individually unique.

The model also includes an air traffic control tower.

Lastly, I would like to thank anyone who took the time to view my model. I hope that you have a great day and a Summer full of creativity and fun!
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