Creatures: A Cornish Pixie

'Devilish tricky little blighters they can be!' ~ Gilderoy Lockhart

For this Magical competition, I decided to build a Cornish Pixie. These pesky little creatures are featured in the second Harry Potter movie and book, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." The pixies are used in Harry's first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year, when Gilderoy Lockhart releases a cage full of them into the classroom. They proceed to wreak absolute chaos until captured by Hermione, Ron and Harry. In the Wizarding world lore, pixies are described as 'Electric blue, reaching up to eight inches in height, and wingless'. I decided to build my pixie with wings, staying true to the depiction in the second movie where they are shown with dragonfly-esque wings.

After learning about this contest very late, the build was completed in approximately 8 hours. The pixie has been scaled up to preserve detail. 
#cornish pixie
#defence against the dark arts
#chamber of secrets
#gilderoy lockhart
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Magical Builds of the Wizarding World

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