Hogwarts - Great Hall

The Hogwarts Great Hall.
The place where we all wish we could have dinned at least once in our lifetime (the WB Tour doesn't count :P).

Ever since LEGO first released Harry Potter sets I've wanted to build a Great Hall big enough to allow for mini-figure play, but not big enough to break the bank in the process. A sort of achievable middle-ground.
This is that project. So I wanted to share here my vision of what I intend it to be, sooner or later. I haven't build it yet. Let's say, I have around 70% of it done. But these things take time and I didn't want to post something half done and break the magic.
Oh, by the way, the banners in the great hall? Imagine they're the banners of your favourite house ;)

If nothing else, I hope this inspires other builders!

Piece count: 2800 bricks.

#great hall
#wizarding world
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