Hogwarts - Tom Riddle's Diary

For me, this diary is an extremely important aspect of the Harry Potter storyline and served as a crucial step in defeating the Dark Lord. It was the first of six horcruxes made by Tom Marvolo Riddle, best known as Voldemort, and was later destroyed by Harry Potter using a Basilisk's tooth in the Chamber of Secrets.

In this build I have recreated both the Diary and the Basilisk's tooth, which can be put into the hole in the front of the diary. On the cover I have also added the effect of ink oozing out of the book when it is stabbed, and the top has a smooth finish with golden latches on the corners.

The diary can also be opened up to reveal a picture of the Basilisk within its pages, and part of the ink blotch appears on the inside too. This is a small feature which I added in to decorate the inside of the diary and highlight the important relationship of this diary with the chamber of secrets.

Note: Please disregard/delete previous version of this as it contained Technic parts.

#chamber of secrets
#tm riddle
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