The Floating Anchor Tiki Bar

Once upon a time One-eyed Wendy was a Pirate Captain. Her exploits drew the attention of the Imperial navy and the opportunities for plundering dried up. Her crew decided it was bad luck to have a lady captain so they decided to tie her to the anchor and toss her overboard. 

Luckily for her, she overheard their plans and replaced the anchor with a replica made of wood. They didn't notice the difference because they weren't too bright. She was able to swim to a nearby deserted island where she decided to open up a juice bar while she considered her options. 

Now The Floating Anchor is the best place in the islands for fresh-squeezed local juice, smoothies, and other local specialties. Even the Governor's daughter can't resist and sneaks out to visit from time to time. It turns out that selling drinks to thirsty pirates is more lucrative than raiding ever was. 
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90th Anniversary: Pirate Theme Celebrations

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