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Castle in the Sky - 1986 - Studio Ghibli Miyazaki

For me, the 80s was marked by the creation of Studio Ghibli. The studio was representative of that decade and has left its mark on pop culture to this day. As an early fan, it was important for me to present you with a project based on the world of Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky.
This was the first animated film by the legendary Studio, with other masterpieces to follow in later years. 
This 80s animation takes a sensitive look at environmental issues, and is all the more topical today.

On Laputa, nature has reclaimed its rights. The vital, regenerative force of nature has preserved the island's most beautiful features.
Deprived of humans, the robot soldiers become simple "gardeners" and ardent defenders of life. Is there a nobler use for technology than protecting life?
A better future is possible thanks to youth, embodied by Pazu and Sheeta, symbols of a pure, innocent humanity that cares for its environment.

I hope you enjoy discovering this project as much as I did making it.

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castle in the sky - Ghibli

#studio ghibli
#laputa castle in the sky
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