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Beetlejuice (1988): Sandworm House.

“It’s Showtime”

Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice centers around a lovely ghost couple Adam and Barbara attempting to haunt away the bothersome Delia, Charles and goth teen Lydia Deetz out of their home. After unsuccessful attempts, they receive the aid of the most horrifying and hilarious ghoul: Beetlejuice!

Built with 1355 pieces, the set is a replica of the miniature model of the house as seen in the film. The house is topped off with a fierce Sandworm curling around the house and busting out from the roof. The open back reveals three floors recreating iconic locations; the waiting room, dining room and attic. Six minifigures with a stand are included; Beetlejuice, Ms. Argentina, Harry, Lydia, Adam and Barbara. Additionally a minifig-scale graveyard scene is depicted with sign, tombstone and tree to display Beetlejuice and company.

There is no better time to release a set since the sequel is coming out soon, the film is undoubtedly a classic which remains relevant today to all age groups.

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Beetlejuice (1998)

#tim burton
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