Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) started as a comic book and animation series in the 1980s. It has remained a beloved franchise ever since, with a major animated movie released just last year, 2023.
The animated series starting in 1987 may be the most beloved adaptation of the IP.
Many TMNT fans would love a set based on the 1987 series. With this entry I hope to make that a reality!
This set comes with the iconic Sewer Lair, the Party Wagon, a Pizza place, and all out battle between the 4 turtles and fan-favorite villains: Shredder, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady.
The story is inspired by the episode where the Shredder opened a pizza place to track down the turtles. Here, little does he know, the turtle's lair is right beneath his foot!
Also included are Krang's Giant Android body and April O'Neil.
Please comment if you like this set :)
Fun details:
Each level detaches for play, like modular buildings.
Party Wagon door opens as attack seat.
The Pizza place serves turtle soup?
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teenage mutant ninja turtles
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