Flash Gordon - 45th Anniversary

“Flash… Ahhhh! Saviour of the Universe!”

The franchise that inspired Star Wars, Even it’s scrolling title font! Depicted here is it's famous 1980 version. It had music by the famous band: “Queen” and was also the Queen of England’s favorite Christmas movie.
Flash Gordon is not only nostalgia from the past, it has a planned live-action reboot by Disney in the works! And referenced in various films including in the Marvels Cinematic Universe.

Raise and lower the wooden cage in the swamp
Tilt the arena platform

Crash the ship into the throne room like in the movie!

The Model:
A total of: 2,967 parts
Including: 11 minifigures

  • Ming's palace with various rooms
  • Planet Arboria
  • Sky City (Hawk Men Home, Arena room)

  • Rocket Ajax
  • The iconic: Hawkman Rocket Cycle
Thank you for watching! I hope Flash can save every one of us once more. But this time through a LEGO set!

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Flash Gordon

#flash gordon
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