Hidden Waterfall Room

  • Behind a calm waterfall the buried room of “that girl studying by the window non-stop.” Now she can take a break with her cat in the magical rainforest. Listen to the calmness of the water and the swishing tree.
  • I discovered lofi music a few weeks ago. It helps me focus and I quickly fell in love with the calmness and listened to it while studying. I love the animation and that I can easily find the radio any time.
  • When I found out there was a Lego competition, I was excited. I love lofi, designing and competitions. When I was planning my entry, I had many ideas of settings and things to include. After considering all my ideas, I decided to choose a room hidden behind a waterfall. It stood out to me most.
  • I made my design in Bricklink Studio. I made many additions and adaptations as I worked. Overall, my design came out as the idea I had in my mind at the start. I loved listening to the chill beats for Lego building while evolving my ideas.
Thank you for reading! Hope you like it!

#lofi girl
#lofi hip hop radio
#lofi hip hop
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Escape with Lofi Girl

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