L.O.F.I. Is the Word

I hadn’t heard of Lofi Girl before this challenge but after building along to some of the chilled out playlists I’m hooked. I particularly enjoy drifting off to the sleep playlist 💤 

In my build I wanted to use the letters of LOFI as a device to capture a whole range of environments that might be great places to listen to some relaxed beats or places that your mind can wander while enjoying a super relaxed time.

L is a city skyline, I loved the thought of Lofi Girl relaxing after a hard day of study looking out of her city apartment watching the sunset

O is an ancient tree, perfect to sit under; pop the headphones on, grab a cup something hot and watch the afternoon disappear

F is a perfectly organised bookshelf, what could be more chilled out

I is a tranquil waterfall, I can picture myself with a big hat and a cool drink relaxing in the shade listening to the waterfall as a backdrop to Lofi girls latest playlist

Thanks for looking and please leave a comment if you like 👍

#lofi girl
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Escape with Lofi Girl

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