Study Break

Lofi Girl decided to take a break from studying and take some time to re-build and old LEGO set. She lost the original instructions long ago, so she pulled up a scan on her laptop, and got to work. By pulling pieces out of the mixed bin of pieces at her feet and from the sorted organizer drawers in front of her, she has assembled about 1/3 of this classic set. Earlier the cat attempted to "help" by batting pieces onto the floor, but he has since settled into his usual spot on the windowsill.

The description for this challenge asks, "Where is it that you would like to escape to and relax while building and listening to music?". To me, a small and private place to myself is an ideal place to build. Lofi Girl's room is a personal space where she can create a world of her own and has access to all the music she loves.
#lofi girl
#cafe corner
Image attached to challenge
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Escape with Lofi Girl

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