The Small Zoo

When I was a kid we used to go to the zoo a lot with my family.
I loved seeing all the different animals, and going into the petting zoo part where you could walk around with other animals and (try to) touch them.
We still go to the zoo every once in a while, but now I get enjoy seeing my children being fascinated by the animals.

I wanted to make a small set to capture that feeling without making it a huge build.

The animals in this build are:
Petting zoo: 🐶 dog, 🐰 rabbit, 😺 cat and a 🐦 bird.
Aquarium: 🐠🐟 fish, 🦀 crab, 🎈 jellyfish, 🦪 clam, 🐙 octopus

Maybe I should have added a few more animals though, what do you think? 😅
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