Family Photo Album

Old family photos always fascinated me. You get to hear stories from the past and realize that actually Grandpa wasn't always old and Mom wasn't always just 'Mom'. Sometimes you even see people you've never even met, but your family members can tell you stories about them. And all of these stories are part of a much grander story, which you are living right now. Your family's story. The realization that you are it's future, but also knowing that in the future people will look at you the same way you are looking at those photos right now, give you a feeling of connectedness.
A photo album is your family's chronicler and right now it's writing your story for future generations to see and marvel at. It's as if you are given a certain legacy. Not a special magical one or something like that and not that of a family name. It's a legacy of memories of the people you love.
#photo album
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