1000 Shared Moments
Families differ in many ways but all are built around support and love. This love is experienced in 1000 shared moments. Each moment seems small on its own but, placed together, they form a bond that lasts a lifetime.
The model allows us to explore the idea of family through everyday moments and shared celebrations. It can be redecorated throughout the year. A banner attaches to studs above the living area.
My collection of moments:
- Sharing a TV show/movie/music
- Gaming together
- Photos of loved ones far away or passed.
- Letters from loved ones
- Photos of happy moments e.g vacations
- Helping with homework / learning to draw
- Phoning a loved one
- Shared meals
- Learning to cook family recipes
- Bedtime stories
- Learning to play music
- Learning a sport – Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball
- First art
- Playing with toys, boardgames, Lego
- Learning to ride a bike/skateboard/roller skate
- Learning to garden
- Being pushed on a swing
- Experiencing the outdoors
Roof design places Target central to the family.
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