Family Game Night (Blocks)

One thing most families seem to enjoy and that can bring them together is playing games. Another fun activity to do together is build with LEGO bricks. The Blocks Game combines the two activities into one to foster imagination and creativity.

Blocks is played as follows:

  1. Players build their bases.
  2. Players use their imagination to come up with an idea that they will illustrate using LEGO tiles.
  3. Players take turns drawing LEGO 2x2 tiles in different colors. They can draw either 3 of the same color, 2 of one color and 2 of another color, or 5 of all different colors.
  4. As turns continue, players use their creativity to place the tiles that they have drawn on their base to create their illustration.
  5. Once one player feels that their design is complete (and they've covered at least half their base), they share the design and other players guess what it is. If guessed correctly, the illustrator gets 3 points and the correct guesser(s) get 1 point each.
  6. Player with 10 points first wins!
#pixel art
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
LEGO Ideas x Target – What does Family mean to you?

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