Base: Intergalactic Tiny House

Out in the depths of space... A man is on one of the most dangerous and difficult missions of his life: parenthood! while some say it is lonely out in space with no one to raise the kids (rocketman), this one spaceman has devoted his life to raising his little girl in a unique and fun environment. Between his shifts with the LEGO Space Force, he spends time with his daughter, learning about the universe and all that is within it.
This build was inspired by modern tiny houses, as well as futuristic space art. the roof has the ability to fold up, revealing the interior space; which contains a table, frog containment unit, coffee machine, and two beds. Although I didn't have the piece needed, I would like there to be a chess board on the table.
I hope you enjoy! don't forget to check out my Instagram (the link is in my bio).

Number of Bricks


#tiny house
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Exploring The Cosmos

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