Runner up
Runner up

Base: Interstellar Spaceport

Welcome to Spaceport Alliance, the bustling nexus of interstellar travel in the thriving Orion planetary system. Nestled within the Orion's habitable zone, this state-of-the-art spaceport serves as its main transport hub, allowing travel across the galaxy.

At its heart lies the Aurora Terminal for interplanetary travel, built to accommodate spacecraft of all shapes and sizes. Alongside Aurora Terminal, the Orbital Launch Center propels rocket ships into the cosmos for interstellar journeys. Soaring majestically above the passenger terminal of the launch center is the Orion Visitor Center, offering a panoramic view of departing starships.

Right beside the spaceport, towering spires of advanced alloy soar into the cosmos, painted in vibrant colors that welcome incoming spacecraft from distant stars. These architectural marvels house a spectrum of amenities, including a shopping center, an interstellar hotel, and several luxury apartments, equipped with private landing pads.

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#launch center
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Exploring The Cosmos

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