VEHICLE: The Drone-Rover That Can Go Anywhere

This Drone-Rover is ready for any mission! Exploration, quick response, haulage and flight.

The Drone-Rover is designed with wheels-on-stilts to have enough ground clearance and suspension travel to harness almost any terrain it may encounter.
Almost any terrain? Yes, because when the terrain is not suited for wheels, it quickly transforms to a drone layout. The engines have been specially designed to fit low gravity and low density atmosphere situations. Technically the vehicle is designed for one astronaut, but already during its first use on Mars, it was used for passenger transport as well, with both astronauts hanging on to the side or even in the basket.

The drivetrain consist of four electric drive wheels with a central transformer running on crystalized hydrogen (purple crystals).
When the wheels turn sideways into drone-mode, the basket below is switched automatically (via gears) to a central position below the drone to assure a center of gravity fitting the drone layout.

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