Stoneway Piano
Stoneway Piano is proud to announce the release of it's Unbeatable Aquatic Sensational Mini Grand Piano!!
Our Engineers have really beat themselves this time folks:
They searched high and low, near and far, just to find you the rare and musically gifted tree frogs of Pangea. By locking those tongues in place they create a pleasant hum throughout your playing experience. You hit a key and they let your charming, serene tropical bird friends know which note to sing and for how long.
But That's Not All This Little Baby Can Do
- Have a bug problem you can't quite get rid of? Untie your tree frog buddies and they will take care of that issue no problem.
- Piano's water environment acts as a families built in fountain, can you say CLASSY?!
- Need a little night time mood-lighting? Feed our amphibian friends some fireflies and watch them glow your mood right to romantic.
- Perfect gift for Anniversaries and for your growing rock stars
**Disclaimer: release frogs at own risk, loss of frogs is on you.
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